kundalini yoga gets tough along the way as more and more is demanded of your body after the pranayamas and the asanas of the hathayoga. You are required to do the bhandas or the locks. These locks are nothing but special asanas that literally lock the body into certain postures. Of course they are specific for certain pathways and they ensure that your ability to perform sexually is strengthened.
The uddiyana bhanda is a diaphragm lock. Here the yogic practitioner, while sitting in the padmasana position, needs to lift the diaphragm high into the thorax and simultaneously get the abdominal muscles to almost touch the spine. The muscles have to be pulled tight towards the back with the breath pulled out. You should be able to see a cavity forming. This bhanda is said to be particularly beneficial for the heart muscles. What it achieves in terms if the kundalini shakti is that it gently nudges the pranic energy towards the neck.
Now it has been found that this bhanda has more effects than what is visible. It manages to stimulate the tri-axis of the hypothalamic, the adrenal glands as well as the pituitary regions in the brain. This is said to wash you with a benign sense of calm while giving you more control over your body. Of course tantric experts claim that this also gives one a great deal of energy, vitality and a sense of youthfulness - all ingredients of better sex. In the rhythmic laya Yoga, this bhanda is used during chanting and it is said to produce the best results for tapa. That is why you see pictorial representations of the rishis of yore with a caved in abdominal cavity.
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