Thursday, May 21, 2009

Story of a Poor Man in the Dog House

In January, Zdzislaw Bukarowcz, a seventy-five year old Polish man from Scinawa, lived in a dog's kennel for three weeks. It was all the work of his zona*, Mrs Bukarowcz, her reason for dishing out this
punishment was because Zdzislaw repeatedly came home drunk.

She chained him to the kennel and fed him on dog food; Zdzislaw was given water from a dog bowl. At night the temperatures often dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius.

Pani Bukarowcz told reporters that she was sick of him wasting all their money on vodka. His drinking companions, worried by his non-attendance in the pub, eventually freed him from his imprisonment and called the police.

* Zona is Polish for wife. Pani means Mrs in Polish.

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