Thursday, May 21, 2009


Tantrashastra talks of five tattvas or great elements: wine, meat, parched food, fruits & roots and shakti. The three kinds of wine used in
Tantra texts are molasses liquor, rice liquor and the liquor from the Madhuka flower. There are also various other kinds made from the juice of the palmyra and date tree, and known by various names according to their substance and place of production. They are all declared to be equally appropriate in the worship of the god to be propitiated.

"According to Tantra, the use of wine is declared appropiate in the worship of god."

Meat, again, is of three kinds, that of animals of the waters, of the earth, and of the sky. Whatever meat the disciple likes is often the offering. Only male animals should be decapitated in sacrifice. There are three kinds of Fish - Shala, Pathina and Rohita. Those which are without bones are of middle quality, whilst those which are full of bones are considered inferior but are often fried and offered to the Devi.

There are also three kinds of parched food, superior, middle, and inferior. The best offering is Shali rice, white as a moonbeam, or from barley or wheat, and which has been fried in clarified butter. The middling variety is made of fried paddy. Other kinds of fried grain are considered inferior. Meat, fish, and parched food, fruits and roots, or anything else offered to the Devata along with wine are called Shuddhi.

The offering of wine without Shuddhi, or purification or santification, as also puja and tarpana (without Shuddhi), becomes fruitless, and the Devata is not propitiated. The drinking of wine without Shuddhi is like the swallowing of poison. The disciple is ever ailing, and lives for a short time and dies.

Svayambhu and other kinds of flower as well as red sandal paste are also considered important elements. However neither the Tattvas nor flowers, leaves, and fruits are to be offered to the Mahadevi unless purified. The man who offers them without purification goes to hell, according to the texts.

One's own Shakti or wife can be considered the fifth Tattva.

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